Monday, October 22, 2007

#7 Blog about technology

Personally I like the whole Harry Potter take on technology. You know, its that stuff Muggles do because they can't do magic. If only I had a wand like Harry (or perhaps like Hermione) I could just wave it a couple of times and then all my Flickr stuff would be done in the twinkling of an eye and it would look really professional too (I WILL get over how long it took to upload those photos eventually...)

Imagine if the fellowhip of the ring had had mobile phone technology with email? Merry and Pippin could have left a voice message for Aragorn and the others to let them know they were safe and sound with Treebeard. Frodo and Sam could have let Gandalf and Aragorn know just where they were in Mordor. In fact, if this technology had been around in Middle Earth, Gondor wouldn't need to light beacon fires to call for aid; it could just send text messages. And Saruman wouldn't have had to mess around with palantirs to contact Sauron...

Seriously, the best thing about emails, blogs and the like is the way they enable muggles to stay in touch with one another. Since a no. of my friends live overseas, I really value the way it helps me stay connected to them. Its hard to remember how much slower communication was before we had email.

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Hope vry true...we now expect communication to be instant.
Keep up t egood work
